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Privacy and Data Policy

Effective Date: 20 May 2024


What is a privacy policy?

a Privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways a company gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data aimed at to protecting a customer or client's privacy.


Who does the Privacy Policy apply to?

The Privacy Policy applies to you as an individual or company when using the My Wedding Online’s invitation website builder, sub domains,  communication platform (text and email), collective services and or features, general platform, website (, mobile application or any other service provided by My Wedding Online or any of its affiliates or partners.


My Wedding Online and its partners as well other third party companies collects and use information pertaining to each of our registered and unregistered users, this includes free and paid users as well as “Visitors”, “Users”, “Companies”, “Guests” or you as an individual.


Terms used in this Privacy and Data policy:


The term “Service” refer to the product and platform named My Wedding Online provided by Nu Catalyst Media Pty (Ltd) and Pineal Projects.


The term “Visitors” refers to a company or individuals that viewed our website (www.Mywedding.Online) but did not register an account.


The term “User”, “you” and “your” refers to a person or company that registered an account with My Wedding Online. The “User” is also referred to as the “Controller”.


The term “Guest” refers to an individual or company that is invited to the invitation website (My Wedding Online service) by the user or and individual appointed to do so by the user.


The term “My Wedding Online” and “us”, “we” or “our” refers to the product and platform (My Wedding Online) and its partners Nu Catalyst Media Pty (Ltd) and Pineal Projects as a whole.


By using any of our services, platforms or products you confirm that you have read and accepted this privacy policy.


What is Personal Information?

Personal information is information, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information.


What information do we collect?

Please note that all the information received and collect by us may be send to our servers located in the United States, India and Europe and other countries around the world.



The term “Visitors” refers to users that viewed our website (www.MyWedding.Online) but did not register an account. We collect un or non-identifiable information relating to the “Visitor’s” or un identified “User’s” interaction with our website and services. This includes information provided to us by third parties. This information does not allow us to identify the “Visitor” or un identified ‘’User”. The information collected mainly consist of technical and aggregated information such as date and time stamps, session heatmaps, browsing history, click stream, device used, operating system, internet browser, internet service provider, country, screen resolution, language, keyboard settings etc.


The User

The term “User” refers to a person or company that registered an account with My Wedding Online. Pertaining to Free or Paid Users, we collect relevant personal information that it needed to operate and use the My Wedding Online platform and services. We may collect and store any personal, professional and or corporate information added by you (the “User”) to our online platform, database and or website. This includes any information provided to us by other sources and or third parties.


This information collect by us may include:

Contact details: email addresses, Full names and surname, mobile device numbers and photo (images).

Billing Details: name, physical billing address and transactions details. If you are a paying user some financial information such as payment mothed, valid credit card number, expiration date, electronic fund transfer bank account or other financial information needs to be stored.


Usage: IP address, Geo-location, Zip code, country and device unique identifier

Technical and aggregated information such as date and time stamps, session heatmaps, browsing history, click stream, device used, operating system, internet browser, internet service provider, country, screen resolution, language, keyboard settings etc.


All information relating to all correspondences (including those made through or uploaded to our platform and Services), and any other Personal Information provided to us by Visitors, Guests and/or Users through their access to and/or use of the Services.


Event Details: Location, time, date, program, guestlist, images, gift registry, playlist etc

We may also request non personal information regarding your interest’s activities and other demographic. We might also request you the (users) to give us a review or complete a survey.



The term “Guest” refers to an individual or company that is invited to the invitation website (My Wedding Online service) by the user or and individual appointed to do so by the user.

This information collected by My Wedding Online may include the following but is not limited to:

Contact details: email addresses, Full names and surname, mobile device numbers and photo (images).

Usage: IP address, Geo-location, Zip code, country and device unique identifier

Technical and aggregated information such as date and time stamps, session heatmaps, browsing history, click stream, device used, operating system, internet browser, internet service provider, country, screen resolution, language, keyboard settings etc.

All information relating to all correspondences (including those made through or uploaded to our Services), and any other Personal Information provided to us by Visitors, Guests and/or Users through their access to and/or use of the Services.


Please Note:  The My Wedding Online service is classified as the “Processor” and no the “Controller”. By operating and using the service the User is classified as the “Controller”. As the User is considered to be the “Controller” of Guests information, it is the responsibility of the Users (Controller) to comply with legislation (law) and regulation pertaining to the collection, control and distribution of Guest non personal and personal information. This includes privacy and data protection law as stipulated by the local jurisdiction. As the User (Controller) you are responsible for the security and authorised use of the Guest non personal and personal information as well as obtaining the necessary permission to do so. This information includes but is not limited to: guests full name, surname, email address, contact and or mobile number and photos (images).


How do we collect the information?


The User and Guests

We collect information which you (the user) and your guests provide to us voluntarily. As you build your website, add your guests and use our services, the My Wedding Online system and platform automatically gathers all the relevant information as proved by you (the users) and your guests. Some of this information is also collected when you (the user) corresponds with our support team.


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